In the latest release of O-Calc Pro, Version 5.03, several updates have been made to familiar processes. One update is the way in which Master and User catalogs can be added to the program.
The DMT, or Digital Measurement Technology, process in O-Calc Pro allows a user to obtain information from a photo of a pole that was taken with a CVT, or a Calibrated Visual Target. This technology allows a user to obtain attachment heights, span diameters, and other information. However, if a pho.
In previous versions of O-Calc Pro, a user has always had the ability to adjust the end drop/rise value for a span. This attribute can be found by selecting a span, and is visible under the “Standard” filter in the Data Entry Window.
In O-Calc Pro v. 5.03 additional functionality was added to incorporate the use of a reference that can be set by the user. Two additional shortcuts were created to utilize this set reference for the manipulation of the height and rotation of various objects in O-Calc Pro. A reference can be set as.
Within O-Calc Pro, there are several tension types available for a user to choose from – additional information on those tension types can be found in the wiki article on various types of tension. This article focuses on a new feature in O-Calc, called the Sag Tension Table Generator.
In a previous post, some of the advanced features of Notes were discussed. One additional note feature is that they can be utilized with images of a pole, within the ‘Measure’ tab in O-Calc Pro. It is possible to add a Calculation style note to an item, for example, and create some labeled values. .
Within the O-Calc Pro application, a variety of features are made available to a user. These available features are linked, in part, to the user level that is assigned. To determine what user level you have been assigned, simply open the application and check the status in the bottom left-hand corn.
Among the many tools included in O-Calc Pro is the option to utilize information collected with an IKE device. This article outlines how to utilize an IKE 3 device to collect data, and use that data to model a pole within the O-Calc Pro desktop software. The process for data collected from an IKE 4.
O-Calc Pro has supported several types of guying in previous versions; these include down guys, span-head guys, sidewalk guys, and pushbraces. Additional guying options have been introduced that allow for the modeling of a truss guy, or a guy wire that can be used without having to touch the ground.
While the O-Calc Pro Software Program does include many features, the installation package for the program also includes several standalone tools that may be used outside of an O-Calc Pole modeling session. One of those tools is the Image Split/Merge utility, which allows for batch processing of im.