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Corrosion Mitigation & Life Extension for Steel Transmission Structures

Corrosion Mitigation Defined

Corrosion mitigation refers to the set of techniques and strategies utilized to protect steel structures, either transmission or distribution assets, from the destructive effects of corrosion in various environments. Corrosion is a natural process in which steel deteriorates due to reactions with its surroundings, especially in the presence of water and corrosive agents. This can impact industrial structures, assets, and equipment, compromising structural integrity and increasing contractual maintenance costs.

Protective coating
Steel Corrosion

Different Corrosion Types

Some types of steel corrosion include:

  1. Uniform: A metal surface corrodes evenly due to exposure to corrosive agents.
  2. Galvanic: This involves mixed metals, where the anode metal sees a rapid corrosion rate and the other has cathodic protection.
  3. Pitting: Chloride or acidic environments create small, deep holes on the metal surface.
  4. Crevice: Moisture accumulates in gaps between metal surfaces.
  5. Intergranular: This typically occurs due to improper welding or heat treatment processes.
  6. Stress Cracking: Marine environments or chemical processing industries cause tensile stress and sudden failure of the metal.

Understanding the different types of steel corrosion helps select appropriate corrosion mitigation strategies.

How Osmose Can Help with Your Corrosion Mitigation Needs

Osmose has decades of experience working in unique and challenging environments. We can quickly identify the most effective coating solution for all your corrosion needs. Contact us to learn more.

Protective Coatings

Specialized coatings are applied to mitigate corrosion and extend the useful service life of your steel structures. Osmose works with utilities to understand the challenges within their footprint. These challenges include issues attributed to weather, salt spray, low soil resistivity, or industrial pollutants. 

With decades of experience behind us working in unique and challenging environments, Osmose can identify the most effective coating solution relative to each specific environment.


Grounding and Cathodic Protection

We specialize in grounding and cathodic protection (CP) design, installation, assessment and repair.  While lightning, theft, poor design, and installation can inhibit the performance of grounding and CP systems, our team of certified specialists are trained to evaluate and restore protection to your steel assets. 

Remote monitoring units are available for installation in difficult-to-access areas or conservation lands, to regularly transmit CP information back to utilities.


Get a free, no-obligation consultation with an Osmose corrosion mitigation and life extension expert.


Steel Corrosion Mitigation and Life Extension Knowledge Center

Steel Capitalization

Steel Asset Betterment is a Capital Opportunity

Consider capitalizing the program costs of steel structure best-in-class assessment and remediation. Osmose asset advisory experts are available to support any utility’s operations and finance teams to undertake a successful capitalization program.


Did You Know?

A recent FERC ruling endorses the capitalization of corrosion-prevention coatings.

Learn more about capitalizing a steel asset life extension program

ASCE supplement

Cathodic Protection Technology Provides Solutions to Protect Electric Utility Structures

Corrosion can impact any part of a structure, but it's especially aggressive underground, making assessment programs crucial for electric utilities.​

Download the T&D World article and learn how Osmose’s cathodic protection technology provides solutions to protect electric utility structures.