The Bill of Materials plugin allows you to configure a bill of materials (BOM) which can be applied for a pole model.
To enable the Bill of Materials plugin, complete the following steps:
- Select the Bill of Materials plugin from the Options>Manage Plugins menu and select Apply.
- Select Yes to restart the application and apply your changes.
To use the plugin, go to Tools>Bill of Materials>Configure BOM…
Configure BOM
- The CU Item Mapping window appears. Click File>Select Catalog and choose a catalog from list being displayed.
Select Catalog
2. Click File>Select CU Items List and navigate to the XLSX file that contains the list, click Open. CU means compatibility units.
Select CU Items List
3. From the Tools menu, select Bill of Materials>Create Bill of Materials Sheet.
Create Bill of Materials Sheet
The informational pop-up displays when you click Create Bill of Materials Sheet before you have configured the BOM Tool.
BOM Tool Not Configured