The T&D Times
Infrastructure Insight from Osmose
Quarterly news on important topics related to infrastructure management and innovation:
Inspection · Rehabilitation · Technical | Wood · Steel · Concrete · Underground

Case Study | Structural Threat at Three-Tower Lake Crossing
A recent preliminary assessment by Osmose engineers revealed alarming findings: the steel H-piles and concrete foundations supporting the towers are severely compromised at the water level.
Fill out the form to download and read more about the challenges and obstacles Osmose and the utility had to tackle and the solution they devised.
Case Study | Tragic Incident Leads to Innovative Safety Solution
Twenty years ago in a major U.S. city, a young woman’s dog began convulsing as it encountered a metal utility service box. This unfortunate event spurred the utility company to engage with Osmose to develop a comprehensive infrastructure assessment program.
Learn more about the challenges and obstacles Osmose and the utility had to tackle and the solution they came up with.
Case Study | Keeping an Eye on Remote Steel Structures
Eight steel poles within the wetlands required a specialized steel foundation system designed to endure harsh conditions and meet strict environmental impact requirements.
Unfortunately, follow-up testing after a few years of service showed that the consumable components of the existing corrosion control systems were going to be depleted well before expected.
Fill out the form to download and read more about Osmose's solution to protect and reduce deterioration, safeguarding the infrastructure's integrity, and preventing costly replacements.
Case Study | Osmose Improves Grid Resilience for Canadian Utility
The utility faced the daunting task of changing out tens of thousands of poles, with estimates ranging as high as $20,000 each with limited labor resources, increasing pole shortages, and limited time. Instead, they turned to Osmose.
Fill out the form to read more about Osmose's solution.