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Hidden Hazards in Your Substations - Industry Best Practices for Reducing Risk

Wednesday, May 25, 2022 | 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. EDT


Our webinars are eligible for IEEE PDH credit. To qualify, you must attend the webinar live and complete the IEEE evaluation we will provide following the event.


Substations contain some of the most important, expensive, and difficult-to-replace equipment on the grid. While most traditional electric utility substation inspections focus on current-carrying power transformers, circuit breakers, and disconnect switches, a potential blind spot in industry has been the structures that support that critical equipment which is vulnerable to corrosion, mechanical damage, and foundation degradation that can put reliability at risk.

This presentation will provide an overview of industry best practices in substation infrastructure assessment, and the value of implementing a programmatic approach to periodically evaluate substation structures and ground grid integrity assessment and remediation. This webinar will address:

  • Fundamental components of substation structure assessments
  • Common conditions that can impact the reliability of your system
  • Substation structure mitigation methods
  • Restoration of substation structures

About the Presenter:

Kevin Niles - Product Manager for Steel Structure - Critical Assets

Kevin Niles is an AMPP Senior Corrosion Technologist and Corrosion Engineer with more than 30 years of experience assessing, maintaining, and restoring both steel and wood electric utility structures. Kevin is a member of AAMP, ASCE, ASNT, and an active committee member in ASTM G01. He also holds committee officer positions on both AMPP SC11 and IEEE WG12 and is the Osmose Product Manager for Steel Structure - Critical Assets.