The Smarter, Faster Way to Grid Resiliency


Harden Your Grid to Weather the Storm


Severe weather outages have increased significantly over the past 20 years. Current overhead line structures may not be strong enough for the next major storm.

Are you ready to execute a faster, longer-lasting Osmose Structural Resiliency® program on more of your system?

Download the free infographic and read the recommended approach and solution.


Resiliency as a Service (RAAS)®


Creating a New Model for Resilience in the Heartland


OG&E committed to a deeper understanding of its grid after a severe ice storm in 2020. This meant reassessing what their grid structures were designed to withstand and what practical improvements could be made to improve their weather resilience. OG&E partnered with Osmose to maximize value in making overhead lines more structurally resilient for what Oklahoma’s evolving climate reality required.

Download the free white paper.